Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beware of the Scorpion!

Count your blessings if you don't have to look for these guys every night.  You are welcome to come visit us, just bring your black light.  Last summer Brian started to collect them in a jar every night.  After about fifty live scorpions in a jar sitting on a shelf in his room, it gave me the creeps and I made him kill them.  Its just a part of our life out here in the desert.  I always say, "At least they can't fly!"

1 comment:

Chuck and LeOra said...

I remember the one I saw in a drawer the first time I stayed in your other house. I thought it was plastic. Ants don't fly either but how I hate them. I left my cookies on the counter to cool and when I came back in they were covered with ants. They are every where no matter how many we kill. I do wish misquitos didn't fly as they get around too fast. Love you blog. Mom